MBNS – International, spol. s r.o. was established in Brno in 1995 to continue activities of MBNS spol. s r.o., the former Czechoslovak and Soviet joint venture that had ensured deliveries of the equipment for chemical and petrochemical industries from 1990.
Since the establishment we have been satisfying the needs of chemical and petrochemical plants regarding deliveries of spare parts, repairs, reconstructions and modernizations of the existing plants. Main markets of our activities were countries within the CIS, particularly Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Russia and Ukraine.
In the 2001 – 2003 period we successfully implemented our hitherto largest project, i.e. the completion of the plants for production of the nitric acid with a capacity of 360 thousand tons/year and of the ammonium nitrate with a capacity of 450 thousand tons/year at PO AZOT Fergana, Uzbekistan. The total project value reached 50,66 mil USD, we ensured the project financing at an amount of 100% contract value for the Uzbek customer in cooperation with EGAP and ING Bank.
At the end of 2003, within the privatization of the company Královopolská, we purchased production premises, originally referred to as “Special Chemistry”, including their machinery and facilities, where in the 1960 – 1999 was primarily manufactured the equipment for nuclear power plants, as well as for operators with high requirements for materials, environment purity and workmanship quality. This plant has been subject to a complete reconstruction and modernization. Our present production premises cover a total area exceeding 40,000 sq m of which aprx. 17,000 sq m is covered production area.
Nowadays, we can offer to various customers our own extensive production capacities. These include the manufacture of all kind of heaters, coils, pressure vessels, manifolds and effluent chambers, tube bundles, piping, steel structures and other equipment for the chemical, petrochemical, gas and oil industry, power industry and other industrial sectors. Our main markets are Czech Republic, EU, Middle East and all countries of former USSR.
In addition, we offer reconstructions and modernizations of chemical and petrochemical plants. We have got a longterm experience in these activities and we are able to ensure its implementation, including financing.